For a smoker, it can be very difficult to temporarily stop tobacco use, even after major surgery in the mouth. Even if one feels the urge for a cigarette, it is important to wait at least 72 hours before smoking after any dental extraction, including the extraction of wisdom teeth.
You must understand that there are chemical toxins in cigarette smoke, which can delay the healing after a surgery, and even cause serious complications such as dry socket and inflammation. A dry socket is expressed by a bad smell in the mouth, very intense pain that can spread on the whole side of the face, and a difficulty to open the mouth.
Moreover, the mechanism of smoke aspiration when inhaling on a cigarette may expel the blood clot newly formed. The clot is the first step in the healing process after a tooth extraction. If it is dislodged, the person can also suffer from dry socket. I often suggest to my patients who are smokers to take advantage of the fact that they had surgery in their mouths to stop smoking. But until now I don’t think I have convinced anyone!
The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be taken before consulting a health care professional.
The masculine gender may have been more used in the article, but without prejudice, to make reading easier.
Category: questions and answers
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- Are teeth alive?
- At what age do children’s teeth start coming out?
- Can an abscess cause a tooth to break apart?
- Can dry mouth be harmful?
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- Can teeth grinding affect children?
- Can wisdom teeth move other teeth?
- Can you drink alcohol after tooth extraction?
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- Does chewing gum after a meal help eliminating dental plaque?
- Does chewing gum eliminate bad breath?
- For which sports should you use a mouthguard?
- How can smokers take care of their oral health?
- How can you get rid of a tooth abscess?
- How can you get rid of an ulcer or a canker sore on your tongue?
- How can you prevent a tooth abscess?
- How can you reduce the effects of dry mouth?
- How can you tell if you have a tooth abscess?
- How can you tell that you are grinding your teeth?
- How can you tell that you have dry mouth?
- How can you treat a tooth abscess?
- How can you treat dry mouth?
- How can you treat teeth grinding?
- How does smoking affect oral health?
- How does smoking affect overall health?
- How is infective endocarditis related to oral health?
- How long does it bleed after wisdom teeth extraction?
- How long does the numbing last after a dentist appointment?
- How many teeth are there in the mouth?
- How soon after tooth extraction can you use a straw?
- How thin are dental veneers?
- Is a root canal painful?
- Is amalgam in teeth (grey fillings) bad for your health?
- Is it necessary to place a dental crown on a tooth that had a root canal?
- Is it normal for gums to bleed when you brush your teeth?
- Is it painful to place a dental implant in your mouth?
- Is smoking bad for your teeth?
- Is there a relationship between dental problems and overall health problems?
- Should people that had a heart attack take precautions when undergoing dental treatments?
- Should people that have a pacemaker take special precautions with their dental care?
- Should people that have had coronary artery bypass surgery take special precautions with their dental care?
- Should people that suffer from congestive heart failure take special precautions with their dental care?
- Should people with angina take precautions when undergoing dental treatments?
- Should people with high blood pressure take precautions when undergoing dental treatments?
- What are the advantages of silver fillings?
- What are the symptoms of having a tooth abscess?
- What can you eat after wisdom teeth extraction?
- What diseases might cause you to have dry mouth?
- What lasts longer, grey or white fillings?
- What may happen if you don’t treat a cavity?
- What might cause you to grind your teeth?
- What might happen if you don’t treat a tooth abscess?
- When can you eat and drink after a tooth filling?
- When can you play sports after wisdom teeth surgery?
- When can you smoke after a tooth extraction?
- When do dissolvable stitches fall out after wisdom teeth extraction?
- Where does a tooth go after extraction?
- Which is better retainers or braces?
- Why are wisdom teeth called “wisdom teeth”?
- Why is teeth-grinding bad for you?
- Why you should not smoke after tooth extraction?
- Will taking antibiotics make the colour of your teeth darker?
If I got my wisdom tooth pulled monday and today is wed . Do I need to keep gauze in my mouth when I smoke cigarettes.
Preferably if you can wait a full 3 days, gauze are not scientifically proven to be effective, so it’s risky.
Choosing to smoke after getting your wisdom teeth out increases the chance of getting lung cancer. In addition, it costs roughly $2,000 a year to be a smoker, just so you can destroy you body. I guess it looks kinda cool though. If it were for me to say, I think it is a bad idea to smoke cigarettes after getting your wisdom tooth surgery.
Of course Dr D, after wisdom teeth surgery, or anytime. I agree with you!
Nobody asked for your opinion
He is medically right though.
In Australia it costs over $10,000 a year to be a packet a day smoker. Give up. It’s easier these days with nicotine replacements. Just do it.
I totally agree.
I have found that a new gauze pad in ( after clotting or very small bleeding amounts) help to keep the wound clean.. Change it out after a smoke so the toxins dont enter the wound.. I learned this trick from my boyfriend..
I don’t smoke that much to begin with but when my anxiety kicked in I needed one.. Couldn’t have one till the wounds healed and not much bleeding occurred..
Steps I took the first night after clot was formed..
1. Took new gauze pad and placed where wound is ( I had 2 wounds as I had 2 teeth pulled that werent wisdom teeth)
2. Have a smoke.. Toxins get filtered by the filter on smoke as well as new quaze placed (soaked quaze would make it so the toxins leak into wound)
3. After finished with smoke remove qauze and toss away.. This helps to keep the toxins from being soaked in to wound(This was same night of extraction of 2 teeth)
Steps I took day after surgery..
1. New quaze in (clean and dry)
2. Have a smoke..
3. When done smoking 1 cig. Remove qauze right away..
4. Rinse mouth with lukewarm salt water mix 3 times
5. Rinse with lukewarm no salt mix 3 three times..
(This insures you that it is cleaned and wont have dry socket)
Like I said before I had 2 teeth pulled.. I might not have been able to fully taste the smoke but getting a bit was better than none..
Thank you for sharing your experience Icey B.
Although I do respect the amount of time and devotion you put in searching, experimenting and writing this, I still do not recommend to follow these steps as there is no scientific proof that it might work. But I would still like to thank you for sharing.
Hi, im 18, i got my milk tooth pulled out yesterday, but it had i deep rooth, so i’ ve been wondering if i could smoke
It is better to wait 3 days.
Hi just had num.18 tooth pulled Friday,its now Sunday.can I smoke?
No, preferably 3 days.
I had my extraction a little over 72 hours ago. I use a vape pen and was wondering would I need to place gauze over the extraction site to smoke, or should I be okay since it’s been 3 days? Thank you.
Hello Kiara,
After 3 days, it is safer.
Hi my name is candice I just got back molar #17 extracted Tuesday & i payed $225 for only 1 tooth but mines was split in half i feel no pain no throbbing no nothing i thank jesus for that but is it true after 72 hours its unlikely to get dry socket??? Want to hit q cig but dont want to risk it
Hi Candice, it’s better to wait the whole 72 hours (3 days) in order not to take any risks.
And I am glad there was no complications and it’s going well 🙂 (sorry for the late response!)
Could I smoke weed after my tooth has been taken out?
You are not recommended to smoke anything for 72 hours. More if possible.
I got my tooth pulled Monday is it ok to smoke Friday…or maybe Sunday
Usually after 3 days, it is safe to smoke and not get dry socket.
But smoking for your lungs is a different story.
Its been a little over 72 hours since I had a tooth pulled. Its the last molar on the right top side. And I didn’t know if I could smoke and if so should I put guaz in before?
Hello Angela. Putting gauze won’t help to reduce complications. But after 72 hours it is safer.
I had my tooth extracted on a Monday at 2
Should I wait till Friday at 2 to smoke without gauze.
Thank you
Yes Cheryl, 72 hours at least.
Hello, I got 11 teeth pulled out from under the gum line,including all my molars and wisdom teeth on top and bottom on Thursday the 15th,it’s now monday,the I ok to smoke a cigarette now?
Marissa, yes as it’s been 4 days, it is safer now.
I got my all my top teeth pulled out on Thursday at 10 am and it is now Monday they said to wait 48 hour and I have done that I just want to know if it is ok to start smoking agian plus they put in disolvible stitches. I went this morning for a check up and they said I was healing up good. Is it ok for me to smoke a cigarette now science I got My teeth pulled out on Thursday at 10am and it is Monday now and it is 1:32pm now
Hello Joy,
That is almost 4 days now, so yes, it is considered safe.
i got my wisdom teeth out friday and it’s tuesday night. can i smoke? i have a juul which is basically a cigarette.
Yes Courtney, as it’s been 3 days.
Hello, Ive had all four wisdom teeth removed on Friday morning. I know you should wait at least 72h, is there any chance of getting dry sockets from using full suction 6-7 days post-op?
After 7 days, the risk is much much lower, but it is not nul. But it is low enough to say that it is safe.
Can I smoke crack after 2 hours of having my wisdom tooth operation, thanks
If you do, you may never see your dentist again… Or anyone else 🙁
Hello I got my tooth pulled Monday can I smoke Thursday??
Yes, as it is 3 days.
Hi Dr Anto,
I appreciate the time youre taking to adequately inform individuals regarding when they can smoke. While im sure its difficult to endorse it in any form, its always better to provide safe information rather than unnecessary information, such as, dont smoke at all, when we all know it’ll happen regardless.
I recently had 3 wisdom teeth pulled out (2 top and 1 bottom) the 1 bottom was infected prior to extraction and I have been told by 3 surgeons that its likely to get reinfected after the extraction. The extractions were performed at 11 am on Wednesday and it is now 1:40 pm on Saturday. While im aware its been more than 72 hours, my question isnt regarding whether I will dislodge my blood clot, rather, what is the likelihood of having another infection occur based on what the other surgeons have said. My question is, how long after the extraction are you less likely to reinfect an area after extraction?
Thank you in advance!
Hello Nabil,
It might be weeks and smoking is not directly related to it. I am guessing that you are taking antibiotics now. Maybe you dentist also prescribed you mouthwash to disinfect the extraction areas, or recommended you to rince with salted water twice a day? Are you going to see your dentist for a follow up appointment?
Hi, so I got my lower left wisdom tooth taken out exactly a week ago. I wanted to know if it was really ok to start smoking again? I’ve been reading online and have seen people say to wait anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. I just need a clear answer I’m terrified of getting dry socket.
Hello Lex,
Usually after a week, it is very safe. There has been rare cases of dry socket that occurred later than a week after tooth extraction. So there is still a very risk if you smoke now, but very little. If you don’t want to take a chance, it is better to wait further. Who knows, maybe you will stop altogether!
I had surgery Thursday got 5 teeth removed is it ok to smoke a cigarette?
Hello Natasha, if it’s been 3 days, then it is safer to smoke.
Hi dr anto I had my bottom left wisdome tooth pulled out. On sat the 6th. It’s now the 12th. Can I smoke out of my water pipe I usually smoke tobacco through it and also marijuana recreationally is it safe to smoke from it.
Yes it should be safe.
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