Having a tooth extracted in your mouth is not a pleasant experience and many people would have liked to relax after surgery with a glass of whiskey or a glass of red wine. But is it safe to drink alcohol after this kind of dental treatment?
After extracting a tooth or following any type of surgery in your mouth, it is advisable to wait at least 24 hours before having an alcoholic beverage. This would allow the blood clot to develop well, where the surgery was carried out. In fact, during the first 24 hours, it is also preferable not to rinse your mouth with water or eat food that is too consistent, too hot or too cold. After that time, it should not be a problem to drink alcohol.
What you should remember about having alcohol is that, after surgery or tooth extraction, the dentist or surgeon usually prescribe antibiotics or analgesics to decrease the risk of infection and reduce pain. Several of these drugs should not be mixed with alcohol, since such a mixture could be toxic and potentially harmful to your health.
Therefore, to avoid any problems, whether for the healing of your gums or for the wellbeing of your health in general, it is preferable to keep away from alcohol after surgery in your mouth. You can drink alcohol only when you have completed the prescribed medication.
The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be taken before consulting a health care professional.
The masculine gender may have been more used in the article, but without prejudice, to make reading easier.
Category: questions and answers
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I had a molar pulled 5 hrs ago no meds given a Lil bleeding still can I have a mix drink
Depends of what kind of medication your are taking after your tooth extraction.
I had a tooth extracted a week ago and was put in climdamyacin due
To the amoxicillin not working. I got a dry pocket and infection. My dentist packed it three days ago
And pulled that out today. It’s healing slowly. Can I have wine with that medication? I ha e been eating ibuprofen 800 every 8 hours since the tooth was pulled but haven’t had any today in the last 12 hours
Hello Crystal,
The lesser and lesser you use pain medication, the more you can have wine in a moderate way 🙂
I had a wisdom tooth pulled 24 hours ago and would like to go out with friends. All my bleeding has stopped, the hole has covered itself pretty well, I’m eating solid food, and I’m not on any medication, so a glass of wine shouldn’t be harmful right?
Yes Nikita, after 24 hours you should be ok 🙂
Had tooth pulled 9hrs ,not on medication can I have glass lager
Catherine, it’s better to wait 24 hours before you do so.
Nine this morning iI have four upper molars a wisdom removed ..this was by drip sedation …with immediate dentures put in ….If i were to have a beer …would the dentured protect any blood clot issues ….8 am ..would it be out of my system …
It would be really safer and better for you if you waited 24 hours at least, considering you are not taking antibiotics or pain killers.
Had my #12 tooth extracted about 5 hours ago. Am craving for a cigarette. Can I smoke just trying not inhale deeply
Hello Bernard,
It is better to way 72 hours at least before smoking, to avoid complications. https://www.studiodentaire.com/questions/en/when-can-someone-smoke-after-a-tooth-extraction.php
I had a tooth pulled Wednesday today is Friday can I have a beer and cigarettes while taking antibiotics.
For the alcohol, it depends of the antibiotics you are taking. Your dentist or pharmacist usually tell you. But if you are not sure, it is better to wait.
For the cigarette, you must wait at least 72 hours to avoid dry socket or other complications.
I had a tooth pull Monday and today is Wednesday can I drink alcohol.
If you are not taking any medication that doesn’t allow you to.
I had a wisdom tooth pulled Friday April 20th and today is now Saturday April 28th. I am not taking any medication, do you think its ok if i have a beer (Hard Cider)?
Yes AB, it should be ok 🙂
Dr. Youssef, I had 1 tooth extraction, 1 bridge, 2 crowns and dental implants procedure initiated Tuesday and Wednesday this week. I was prescribed Dolac, Clindamicin/Clendix as well as Ibuprofen 800 mg for a week.I’m obviously in a lot of pain and would love to have a glass of champagne! What would you suggest. Ty.
Hello Shar,
I think that Dolac is the same as Toradol, which is a powerful painkiller. You should not consume any alcohol while on a Toradol prescription, but I would advise you to consult your pharmacist to make sure.
I had 3 wisdom teeth removed yesterday morning at 10:30am. Today is cinco de mayo, and a lot of my friends will be out celebrating. Is it ok to go out and drink? (no straws of course).
I am currently taking 400mg of Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours. Jaw and mouth is sore of course, but other than that I feel fine.
If ibuprofen is all that you are taking, it is ok then, but in moderation.
2 teeth pulled yesterday at 10am can I have a smoke or a wine cooler?
Tori, for smoking, it’s better to wait 3 whole days. For the wine, it depends if you are taking medication or not.
Had a #14 extracted and got a dry socket due to smoking, went back to the doctor so they can we clot the tooth it’s been 48 hour and I still have that nasty drip in my mouth and some pain does that nasty go away after a couple days or can I do something to try and clean up all that bacteria from the tooth not being there?
Hi Josh, sorry that you had a dry socket, as it’s very painful.
About what your dentist put in the socket, it is supposed to resolve by itself. But I am not totally sure what type of material was placed, so I suggest if it’s still there after a week, to see your dentist again.
Removed 2 upper jaw premolars yesterday around 11:30. Can I consume alcohol or eat solid foods??I’m not on any medication.
Can I drink or smoke March 16th March 12th I’m getting 3 teeth pulled and my birthday is on that day so I’m postponing my bday for 15th -17th is it ok if I drink or smoke on the 16th since I’m getting them pulled tomorrow morning
That makes 4 days, so it would be safe (for dry socket, not for cancer).
As for alcohol, it depends if you are taking antibiotics or pain medication.
I got my impacted wisdom teeth surgery 11 days a go… 4 days the dentist took my stitches out… Swelling has decreased to almost desapeared, pain almost gone, haven’t consume meds since 3 days… So, can I have some scoth?
Yes, if you are not taking any more medication.
I got my tooth removed 8 hours ago can I drink alcohol after at least 30 hours after my tooth extraction
Yes, if you are not taking medication. But better to check with the dentist who extracted your tooth because he or she knows how complicated the extraction was.
I had a tooth removed on my lower front yesterday at 9:15. Now it’s 4:22, can I have a beer and a cigarette now?
It’s better to wait at least 72 hours.