Overjet refers to the vertical distance between the maxillary central incisors and the mandibular central incisors. It is measured in millimeters between the incisal edges. Normal overjet is 1 to 2 mm. If the number is high, there can be retrognathia of the mandible, meaning that the lower jaw is placed more towards the back, or prognatia of the maxilla, where the upper jaw is placed towards the front. If the overjet is negative, then there is anterior crossbite, which means that the lower incisors are in front of upper incisors.


  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (www.wikipedia.org).
  2. Medical dictionary by Farlex (www.thefreedictionary.com).

The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be taken before consulting a health care professional.

The masculine gender may have been more used in the article, but without prejudice, to make reading easier.

Category dental problems

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