Questions and Answers
Do grey fillings have advantages over other dental restorative materials? Technology has helped white composite fillings improve their physical properties to restore teeth efficiently and last years in a people's mouths. But despite their dark colour, silver fillings have a few advantages over other materials.
Although it use to be a popular belief that wisdom teeth caused movement and crowding of all other teeth in the mouth, more and more research is showing that they do not. The research results show that wisdom teeth don't cause other teeth to move, and it is inappropriate to extract them just for the reason to prevent unwanted dental movements.
Smoking is not only linked to lung cancer and heart disease, but it also affects oral health. Although smoking and chewing tobacco does not increase the risk of having cavities, it can do lots of damage to the gums and other parts of the mouth.
All Questions
- What are the advantages of silver fillings?
- Can wisdom teeth move other teeth?
- Is a root canal painful?
- What might cause you to grind your teeth?
- Can heart disease be related to dental care?
- What Are the Symptoms of Having a Tooth Abscess?
- How does smoking affect oral health?
- How is infective endocarditis related to oral health?
- What Diseases Might Cause You to Have Dry Mouth?
- How can you tell that you are grinding your teeth?
- Should people with high blood pressure take precautions when undergoing dental treatments?
- What Might Happen if You Don't Treat a Tooth Abscess?
- How does smoking affect overall health?
- Should people with angina take precautions when undergoing dental treatments?
- How Can You Tell That You Have Dry Mouth?
- Why is teeth grinding harmful?
- Should people that had a heart attack take precautions when undergoing dental treatments?
- How Can You Treat a Tooth Abscess?
- How can smokers take care of their oral health?
- Should people that suffer from congestive heart failure take special precautions with their dental care?
- How Can You Treat Dry Mouth?
- How can you treat teeth grinding?
- Should people that have had coronary artery bypass surgery take special precautions with their dental care?
- How Can You Prevent a Tooth Abscess?
- Can teeth grinding affect children?
- Should people that have a pacemaker take special precautions with their dental care?
- How Can You Reduce the Effects of Dry Mouth?
- Does Taking Antibiotics Make Your Teeth Darker?
- How Can You Tell that You Have a Tooth Abscess?
- Are Dental X-Rays Safe for Pregnant Women?
- Can Dry Mouth be Harmful?
- When Can Someone Start Playing Sports again after Wisdom Tooth Surgery?
- Does Chewing Gum Help Eliminate Bad Breath?
- When Can You Eat and Drink after a Tooth Filling?
- What Can You Eat after Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
- How Long Does the Numbing from the Dentist Last?
- How Long Do Dissolvable Stitches Last after Having Wisdom Teeth Extracted?
- Is it Absolutely Necessary to Put a Dental Crown on a Tooth That Had a Root Canal?
- At What Age Do Children's Teeth Start Coming out?
- Is Amalgam in Teeth (Grey Fillings) Bad for Your Health?
- How Can You Get Rid of a Tooth Abscess?
- What Is the Total Number of Teeth in the Mouth?
- What Lasts Longer, Grey Fillings or White Fillings?
- Do You Have to Remove Your Retainers when You Eat?
- Is it Painful to Place a Dental Implant in Your Mouth?
- When Can Someone Smoke after a Tooth Extraction?
- How soon after Tooth Extraction Can You Use a Straw?
- Which Is Better Retainers or Braces?
- Can an Abscess Cause a Tooth to Break Apart?
- Can you Drink Alcohol after a Tooth Extraction?
- Is It Normal if Your Gums Bleed when You brush Your Teeth?
- Does Chewing Gum after Eating Help to Remove Dental Plaque?
- How Long Does it Bleed after a Wisdom Tooth Has Been Extracted?
- How Can You Get Rid of an Ulcer or a Canker Sore on Your Tongue?
- Is a Tooth Alive?
- Is there a Relationship between Dental Problems and Overall Health Problems?
- What Can Happen if You Don't Treat a Cavity?
- Is Smoking Bad for Your Teeth?