Pulp capping is an operative technique designed to preserve the vitality of a potentially infected dental pulp. The technique only works if the pulp reach by the infection is very mild. There are two types of pulp capping: direct pulp cap and indirect pulp cap. Indirect pulp cap means that the dentist deliberately leaves a bit of cavity around the pulp, without it being exposed, and covers it with a disinfectant agent. Whereas direct pulp cap means that a disinfectant agent directly recovers the pulp after it has been exposed while removing the cavity.


  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (www.wikipedia.org).
  2. Medical dictionary by Farlex (www.thefreedictionary.com).

The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be taken before consulting a health care professional.

The masculine gender may have been more used in the article, but without prejudice, to make reading easier.

Category Treatments

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