Curettage is the removal of tartar and diseased tissue from a periodontal pocket. This therapy is indicated for a person suffering from periodontal disease and that is presenting periodontal pockets (spaces between teeth and gums) of 4 millimeters or more. Curettage is usually done by the dentist under local anaesthesia.
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
- Medical dictionary by Farlex (
The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be taken before consulting a health care professional.
The masculine gender may have been more used in the article, but without prejudice, to make reading easier.
Category Treatments
- Apicoectomy
- Bite splint
- Braces
- Cantilever bridge
- Clasp
- Curettage
- Dental anesthesia
- Dental bridge
- Dental cleaning
- Dental crown
- Dental exam
- Dental extraction
- Dental fillings
- Dental implant
- Dental post
- Dental sealant
- Dental veneer
- Dental x-rays
- Dentures and partials
- Direct pulp capping
- Endodontic retreatment
- Facial mask
- Frenectomy
- Gingivectomy
- Gingivoplasty
- Graft
- Headgear
- Immediate denture
- Indirect pulp capping
- Indirect restoration
- Inlay
- Inlays and onlays
- Internal bleaching
- Laser cavity detection
- Lip bumper
- Maryland bridge
- Mini-implants or mini-screws for orthodontics
- Mock-up
- Mouthguard
- Onlay
- Oral surgery
- Orthodontics
- Orthognathic surgery
- Palliative treatment
- Periodontal (gum) disease treatments
- Pontic
- Pulpectomy
- Pulpotomy
- Removable partial denture
- Root canal treatment
- Sinus lift
- Tooth whitening
- Wisdom teeth
My jaw is swollen and i have centuries and part of my guns are to where when i put in the bottom teeth pain
You must really see a dentist!