When a child ingests sugar, the bacteria present in the mouth mixes with it, creating an acidic solution. The acid attacks the teeth by creating a cavity. The damage caused by the sugar depends on the quantity ingested and the amount of time it stays in the mouth.


Candies, chocolate and cookies contain a large amount of sugar that can easily cause cavities.

Foods have nutritional labels. It is recommended to consult this label and favour the foods that have a small amount of sugar.

Soft drinks are already highly acidic and the mixture with sugar makes them extremely harmful for teeth.

White sugars and natural sugars

All sugars can be harmful for teeth. Natural sugars can have the same effects as refined sugars. Fruits, fruit juices, milk, bread, and pastas contain sugar.

If the child falls asleep with a bottle filled with milk in his mouth, baby bottle tooth decay can develop rapidly. This cavity can also appear if the bottle is filled with fruit juice or any other sweetened liquid. Water is the best liquid to fill a bottle during the night.

If the child always consumes fruit juices between meals, cavities can be developed easier. What is important is not to prevent the child from eating fruits or drinking milk or juices, but rather to make sure that their teeth brushed right away. The child needs these foods to stay healthy.


A growing child needs snacks between meals. There are ways for snacks to be well planned for the health of the child’s teeth:

  • Limiting the number of sweet snacks during the day. If the child consumes a snack for a long period of time, for example drinking juice while they watch the television, it is preferable to substitute the juice by water.
  • Not giving the child sweetened foods that stay in the mouth for a long period of time, such as sweetened gum, lollipops, or candies. Avoid candies that stick to the teeth (caramel, raisins).
  • Favouring foods like fruits and cheese sticks.
  • The simplest way for the child not to have access to undesirable sweets is buying any at all.


MedicineNet.com (www.medicinenet.com).

The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be taken before consulting a health care professional.

The masculine gender may have been more used in the article, but without prejudice, to make reading easier.

Category: Children

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